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Prof. dr. A.F.W. (Lex) Bosman

History of Architecture
Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Jeroen Oerlemans

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 15540
    1001 NA Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profiel

    Architectuurgeschiedenis (History of Architecture) Universiteit van Amsterdam

    Since 1 June 2007 Lex Bosman (1956) is professor in the History of Architecture (architectuurgeschiedenis / geschiedenis van de bouwkunst) at the  Universiteit van Amsterdam  ( UvA ) participating in the BA and MA programs of Art History and related fields. He teaches and publishes about early Christian, medieval and Renaissance architecture, and about Dutch architecture in the 18th century as well as Dutch colonial architecture and town-planning.

    His research is focused on medieval and renaissance architecture and on the meaning of architecture. In general it is the process of planning, designing and construction and the way several individuals and institutions depend on each other during this process that fascinates him. These are the general guidelines for the research. Research into the use of spolia in the architecture in Rome fits well in this general theme.

    Lex Bosman was a member of the international editorial board of Fragmenta. Mededelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut in Rome , member of the International Consultative Committee of the European Romanesque Centre (Europäisches Romanik Zentrum , Halle/Merseburg), member of the Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (Reale Istituto Neerlandese a Roma ), commissioner of the Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser. He is a former member of the board of the Vereniging van Nederlandse Kunsthistorici (association of Dutch art historians), and from 2007 to 2015 he was co-editor of the Bulletin van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Oudheidkundige Bond ( Bulletin KNOB), the major Dutch journal on architectural history.

    For specific information use the choices on the tabs above.

  • Publications&Lectures

    Publications and lectures


    "Vorbild und Zitat. Dom zu Köln (Cologne)'

  • Architectural history Research

    Research Architectural History

    My research in architectural history is focused on medieval and Renaissance architecture, with special interest in the possible meanings of architecture. The process of planning, design and construction and the way individuals and institutions depend on each other during this process, is fascinating to me in various ways.

    Specific fields of interest are:

    -          Uses and meanings of spolia . Ongoing research, about which publications appear and papers are presented. At the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians  I co-chaired a session "Architecture in pieces. The representation of Architecture by means of Spolia" with Dale Kinney, Pittsburgh (Pa.) 12 April 2007. Several projects contribute to the general theme of the use of spolia in early Christian, medieval and Renaissance architecture:

               Spolia in the early christian S. Giovanni in Laterano in Rome

               The use of spolia in St. Peter's in Rome

               The use of spolia in the cathedral of Magdeburg

    -          Ambulatories in medieval architecture

    -          The use of and changes in architectural drawings and architectural models

    -          Historiography of architectural history

    Participation in conferences in the Netherlands, and for instance in Italy, Germany and the United States forms an interesting way to share and discuss the results of research with colleagues.

  • Architectuurgeschiedenis

    Architectuurgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA)

    Architectuurgeschiedenis (Geschiedenis van de Bouwkunst) wordt aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam gedoceerd binnen de opleiding Kunstgeschiedenis, op BA- en MA-niveau. Over het brede terrein van de geschiedenis van architectuur en stedenbouw - vroegchristelijke architectuur, middeleeuwen, renaissance en nieuwere tijd tot en met de moderne en eigentijdse architectuur en monumentenzorg - wordt onderwijs gegeven en onderzoek gedaan. In het onderwijs worden onder meer de omgang met gebouwd erfgoed, typologische ontwikkelingen in de architectuurgeschiedenis en de vraagstukken van moderne stedenbouw en architectuur aan de orde gesteld. Sinds 1 september 2015 behoort ook  dr. Gabri van Tussenbroek van (bureau) Monumenten en Archeologie ( M&A) van de gemeente Amsterdam als hoogleraar Stedelijke identiteit en monumenten, in het bijzonder van de stad Amsterdam tot de staf van architectuurhistorici. Verder wordt ook samengewerkt met verwante disciplines en opleidingen zoals Erfgoedstudies.

    Architectuurgeschiedenis in Amsterdam aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam

    Architectuurgeschiedenis hoort bij de opleiding Kunstgeschiedenis en is gevestigd in een aantrekkelijk gebouw op het Binnengasthuisterrein (Turfdraagsterpad 15-17).

  • Publications


    • Bosman, L. (2020). Authenticiteit en materiaal: Een verkenning van het begrip aan de hand van (laat)antieke en middeleeuwse voorbeelden. Bulletin (KNOB), 119(4), 22-25. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2020). Constantine's Spolia: A Set of Columns for San Giovanni in Laterano and the Arch of Constantine in Rome. In L. Bosman, I. P. Haynes, & P. Liverani (Eds.), The Basilica of Saint John Lateran to 1600 (pp. 168-196). (British School at Rome Studies). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2020). The veneration of spolia: the Madonna della Colonna in St. Peter’s in Rome. Fenestella, 1, 145-163. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Bosman, L., Haynes, I. P., & Liverani, P. (Eds.) (2020). The Basilica of Saint John Lateran to 1600. (British School at Rome Studies). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Bosman, L., Liverani, P., Peverett, I., & Haynes, I. P. (2020). Visualising the Constantinian Basilica. In L. Bosman, I. P. Haynes, & P. Liverani (Eds.), The Basilica of Saint John Lateran to 1600 (pp. 134-167). (British School at Rome Studies). Cambridge University Press. [details]



    • Bosman, L. (2015). Nederlandse architectuurgeschiedenis in internationaal perspectief. Bulletin (KNOB), 114(1), 1. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2015). Nederlandse architectuurhistorici en het buitenland tot ongeveer 1960. Bulletin (KNOB), 114(1), 21-38. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2015). Proportion and Building Material, or Theory versus Practice in the Determination of the Module. Architectural Histories, 3(1), Article 10. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2013). Designing the Villa Pliniana at Lago di Como: Pellegrino Tibaldi and political iconography under Habsburg rule. Annali di Architettura, 25, 155-170. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2013). Spolia in the fourth-century basilica. In R. McKitterick, J. Osborne, C. M. Richardson, & J. Story (Eds.), British School at Rome Studies: Old Saint Peter's, Rome (pp. 65-80). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2012). Crossing borders around 800: Charlemagne’s Palatine Chapel at Aachen. Contactforum, 214-216. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2012). Grote werken van Constantijn: Sint-Jan van Lateranen en Sint-Pieter. In F. W. Lantink, & J. Koch (Eds.), De paus en de wereld: geschiedenis van een instituut (pp. 30-38, 398). Boom. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2011). Bedeutung der Tradition: Über die Spolien im Chorbereich des Magdeburger Domes. More romano: Schriften des Europäischen Romanik Zentrums, 2, 189-198. [details]



    • Bosman, L. (2008). Van Amsterdam naar Berbice: koloniale bestuursgebouwen als nieuwe ontwerpopdracht voor Abraham van der Hart. Bulletin (KNOB), 107(5/6), 212-223. [details]



    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2023). Drawings for Models. In L. Bosman (Ed.), The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools (pp. 19-27). (Architectural Crossroads. Studies in the History of Architecture; Vol. 9). Brepols.
    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2023). Introduction. In L. Bosman (Ed.), The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools (pp. 9-17). (Architectural Crossroads. Studies in the History of Architecture; Vol. 9). Brepols.
    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2023). The Mellon Codex and the Creation of Space with Drawings and Models. In L. Bosman (Ed.), The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools (pp. 105-127). (Architectural Crossroads. Studies in the History of Architecture; Vol. 9). Brepols.
    • Bosman, L. (2023). Medieval Interiors of Roman Churches: [Review of: D. Mondini, C. Jäggi, P.C. Claussen (2020) Die Kirchen der Stadt Rom im Mittelalter 1050–1300 : Band 4. M–O] . Architectural Histories, 11(1). [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2023). Memleben im Vergleich - Köln und Lüttich. Memlebener Hefte, 3, 117-128. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2023). The Fourth-Century San Giovanni in Laterano in the Twenty-First Century: Digital Approaches and Reconstruction. In N. Camerlenghi, T. Michalsky, & E. Scirocco (Eds.), Visualizing Complexities: Practices and Heuristics of Digital Models in Art History (pp. 18-26). (Hertziana Studies in Art History; Vol. 2). Bibliotheca Hertziana. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (Ed.) (2023). The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools. (Architectural Crossroads. Studies in the History of Architecture; Vol. 9). Brepols.


    • Liverani, P., Haynes, I., & Bosman, L. (2022). Dai Castra Noua alla Basilica Lateranensis, trasformazioni della Roma costantiniana. In P. Fleury, & S. Madeleine (Eds.), Topographie et urbanisme de la Rome antique: Actes du colloque organisé à Caen (11-13 décembre 2019) (pp. 153-160). Presses Universitaires de Caen. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2021). Roman or Romanesque? Confusion about the Putative Temple of Apollo in Maastricht. In K. A. Ottenheym (Ed.), Romanesque Renaissance: Carolingian, Byzantine and Romanesque Buildings (800-1200) as a Source for New All'Antica Architecture in Early Modern Europe (1400-1700) (pp. 385-400). (NIKI Studies in Netherlandish-Italian Art History; Vol. 14). Brill. [details]


    • Haynes, I. P., Liverani, P., & Bosman, L. (2020). The Lateran Basilica to 1600. In L. Bosman, I. P. Haynes, & P. Liverani (Eds.), The Basilica of Saint John Lateran to 1600 (pp. 1-5). (British School at Rome Studies). Cambridge University Press. [details]



    • Bosman, L. (2016). S. Giovanni in Laterano and Medieval Architecture: the Significance of Architectural Quotations. In M. Verhoeven, L. Bosman, & H. van Asperen (Eds.), Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past: Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw (pp. 43-51). (Architectural crossroads : studies in the history of architecture; Vol. 3). Turnhout: Brepols. [details]
    • Verhoeven, M., Bosman, L., & van Asperen, H. (2016). Introduction: Cherished Memories. In M. Verhoeven, L. Bosman, & H. van Asperen (Eds.), Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past: Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw (pp. 9-13). (Architectural crossroads : studies in the history of architecture; Vol. 3). Brepols. [details]
    • Verhoeven, M., Bosman, L., & van Asperen, H. (Eds.) (2016). Monuments & Memory: Christian Cult Buildings and Constructions of the Past: Essays in honour of Sible de Blaauw. (Architectural crossroads : studies in the history of architecture; Vol. 3). Brepols. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2015). Gotische kerken. In R. Meens, & C. van Rhijn (Eds.), Cultuurgeschiedenis van de middeleeuwen: beeldvorming en perspectieven (pp. 227-247). Open Universiteit/WBOOKS. [details]




    • Bosman, L. (2011). Gotiek bestaat niet: het concept ‘vernieuwing’ als kunsthistorisch probleem. Madoc, 25(3), 130-138. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2010). Government buildings in the Dutch colonies: seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In K. Ottenheym, K. De Jonge, & M. Chatenet (Eds.), Public buildings in early modern Europe (pp. 119-130). Brepols. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2009). Spolien aus Roms Vergangenheit als Beitrag zu römischer oder romanischer Architektur. In L. Helten, & W. Schenkluhn (Eds.), Romanik in Europa: Kommunikation - Tradition - Rezeption (pp. 37-51). (More romano; No. 1). Kratzke. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2009). ‘Hodshon Huis’ in Haarlem en het oeuvre van Abraham van der Hart. Jaarverslag Vereniging Hendrick de Keyser, 2008, 40-67. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2008). Themanummer Abraham van der Hart. Bulletin (KNOB), 107(5/6), 173. [details]


    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2007). 'Spolia and coloured marble in sepulchral monuments in Rome, Florence and Bosco Marengo. Designs by Dosio and Vasari'. Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, XLIX, 353-376. [details]


    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2025). S. Giovanni in Laterano: de eerste bisschopskerk van Rome. In J. Castricum, R. Hunsucker, R. van der Veen, & P. Veerbeek (Eds.), Ab urbe condita: Nieuwe perspectieven op de cultuurgeschiedenis van Rome (pp. 93-100). Eisma Edumedia.


    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2024). San Giovanni in Laterano. De eerste bisschopskerk van Rome. Roma aeterna, 12(1), 35-41.


    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2022). Tijd als factor in de architectuur. reflectie na 10 jaar. Simulacrum, 30(4), 58-63.


    • Bosman, L. (2021). Photography & national-socialism: Paul Wolff. Viewfinder, 54(3), 26-33. [details]


    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2017). Architectural Crossroads 4. Turnhout: Brepols.


    • Bosman, L. (2016). Studie bouwsculptuur werpt nieuw licht op bouwgeschiedenis Dom: [Bespreking van: E. den Hartog (2015) De bouwsculptuur van de Utrechtse Dom: een andere kijk op de bouwgeschiedenis]. Oud-Utrecht, 89(4), 123-125. [details]
    • Bosman, L. (2016). [Bespreking van: M. Sloof & J.E. Abrahamse (2012) Amsterdams werelderfgoed: de grachtengordel na 400 jaar; P. Vlaardingerbroek (2013) De wereld aan de Amsterdamse grachten; A. te Stroete & G. van Tussenbroek (2013) De Amsterdamse grachtengordel: werelderfgoed sinds de Gouden Eeuw]. Bulletin (KNOB), 115(4), 232-235. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2015). [Bespreking van: K. Bosma (2012) Shelter city: protecting citizens against air raids]. Bulletin (KNOB), 114(4), 258-260. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2014). [Bespreking van: R.P.J. van Hees, H. De Clercq (2012) Stenen van binnen, stenen van buiten: natuursteen in de jonge bouwkunst: syllabus bij de 4de Vlaams-Nederlandse Natuursteendag; H.J. Tolboom (2012) Onvermoede weelde: natuursteengebruik in Rotterdam 1850-1965]. Bulletin (KNOB), 113(2), 110-112. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2012). [Review of: R. Brilliant, D. Kinney (2011) Reuse value: spolia and appropriation in art and architecture from Constantine to Sherrie Levine]. Reviews in history, 2012, 1313. [details]
    • Bosman, L., Kolfin, E., Rulkens, A., & van Welie, W. (2012). Eindrapport Commissie Hervorming Master Kunstgeschiedenis. [details]


    • Bosman, L. (2010). Het hergebruik van materiaal in de architectuur in Rome: spolia. In E. Jans, & C. Hupperts (Eds.), Laus Romae: hoofdstukken uit de geschiedenis van Rome (pp. 132-140). Eisma Edumedia. [details]



    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2007). 'Bewondering voor gebouwen en bouwmeesters'. Simulacrum, 16(3), 31-34. [details]
    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2007). 'De kerkstichtingen van Constantijn'. Hermeneus, 79, 144-148. [details]
    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2007). [Review of: W. Tronzo (2005) St. Peter's in the Vatican]. The Art Bulletin, 89, 162-164. [details]


    • Bosman, A. F. W. (2024). Abraham van der Hart en Keetje Hodshon. Paper presented at Studiemiddag 'Het interieur en de vrouw', Haarlem, Netherlands.

    Talk / presentation

    • Bosman, L. (speaker) (20-9-2016). Modelling the Architecture of the constantinian Basilica, The Lateran Basilica. A conference held at the British School at Rome. BSR 19-21 sept. 2016, Rome.
    • Bosman, L. (speaker) (20-9-2016). Constantine's spolia. A set of columns for S. Giovanni in Laterano and the groundplan of the first basilica, The Lateran Basilica. A conference held at the British School at Rome. BSR 19-21 sept. 2016, Rome.
    • Bosman, L. (speaker) (11-6-2016). The Mellon Codex and the creation of space with drawings and models, The Creation of Space and the Connection between Models and Drawings as Design Tools., Florence.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Vereniging Hendrick de Kewyser
      Bestuurslid, vice-voorzitter (onbetaald)